Cowards All


Johnson, a backbencher who was the last-ditch choice to lead the mutinous House GOP majority last year, could relieve Ukraine’s agony and help ensure its survival as an independent nation in the coming days. He could allow a vote on a bill that includes $60 billion in aid that the Pentagon says is needed to allow Kyiv to continue to effectively fight. It would likely pass with a comfortable bipartisan majority.

The GOP is so full of spineless liars. I can’t believe because the Orange Turd wants to give Putin back rubs and fawn at his feet they’re ready to allow a democracy to collapse and let Putin march one step closer to the EU.

Unbelievable. Kick them all out. They preach patriotism all the while undermining American and Ukrainian democracy.

Believe it President Zelensky


Speaking to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins in Kyiv, Zelensky said he “can’t understand how Donald Trump can be on the side of (Russian President Vladimir) Putin.”

Oh, I think it’s very believable. This man loves his buddy Putin for some weird, probably sexual, reason.

I suspect he’d want to have Putin’s children if he could.

Not to mention how cowardly the GOP is. We need to back Ukraine 100%. They’re not only a struggle for their sovereignty, they sit between Russia and the EU.

Fuck Trump and the GOP cowards.

I meant to steal more!


That’s important background to Trump’s primary defense in his stolen documents case. Between his motion to dismiss because the Presidential Records Act doesn’t say what he claims it saysand his motion to dismiss for absolute immunity, he is arguing that he intended to steal boxes and boxes of classified documents.

We all know he did these things and at the rate the trials are going he’s going to delay in hopes of winning the election.

If he does it all magically goes away.

Fuck that guy.

He’s Sundowning


Dotard J. Drumpf was particularly incoherent last night in Nashville as he droned on before the National Religious Broadcasters… perhaps someone mixed up his medications?

I agree with one of the post replies on X. The man is most likely Sundowning.

Even without this common sign of aging the man is unfit for office.

Some of Orangeman’s many “accomplishments.”