Donnie the Grifter

Donnie the Grifter

As if his orangeness hasn’t taken enough money from his cult of followers now he’s gone and minted a coin. 🙈

Fuck that guy.

Fuck that guy

Asshole Alert

Trump is a fucking asshole and needs to go down in shame.

President Binden is a wonderful man who’s served his country with dignity.

Trump is here to burn it all down. Just wait for the death camps they’ll setup for immigrants from Mexico and countries further south. Melania? No, no, no, she’s white. She’ll be fine, but poor brown people are going to be rounded up like cattle and shipped back to Mexico.

Not to mention the total nationwide abortion ban his administration will put in place.

Oh, right, there’s also the shift to Christian Nationalism. Trump is not a Christian by anyone’s definition of the word. He’s going to make himself Christ to these people.

Funny thing is, the Bible speaks of another person who will come before the rapture. Right, the anti-Christ. Funny how these supposed Christians aren’t thinking about that?

Preparing to Abscond

There are a few replies to this tweet that make us wonder if Trump is preparing his exit from the country if he fails to regain the Presidency?

One of the replies includes a screen capture of Trump’s plane next to UAE and Russian planes. A reply to that post mentions he signed a deal for a residential property with the Saudi’s.

We’re sure Orban or Putin would love to host good old Trumpty-Dumpty.

Project 2025 Insanity


Watch this interaction with a MAGA wacko responsible for writing parts of Project 2025.

He flat out says they want to fire Democrats from Civil Servant positions and replace them with MAGA loyalists.

Good on MSNBC for getting this nut job to come on and tell the truth of their draconian plan for America.

Fuck Trump and fuck Project 2025.