BOOM! He’ll never leave

And there it is. The Orange Asshole plans on being President for the remainder of his natural life. If that doesn’t make you vote for Kamala Harris, nothing will.

Get out the vote! Vote Harris for President!

There it is

He plans to be President forever

Believe what this man says. If he’s saying don’t worry about voting after this election if he becomes President that means he is setting himself up to become a dictator, just like Putin is in Russia.

“But we’ll have it all straightened out, so it’ll be much different.”

Seems pretty clear to us.

Project 2025 Insanity


Watch this interaction with a MAGA wacko responsible for writing parts of Project 2025.

He flat out says they want to fire Democrats from Civil Servant positions and replace them with MAGA loyalists.

Good on MSNBC for getting this nut job to come on and tell the truth of their draconian plan for America.

Fuck Trump and fuck Project 2025.