Donnie Boy’s brain is addled 🤣

Unfit and Dangerous


Behind the scenes, Trump appears to be preparing to subvert the results of the 2024 presidential election should he lose to Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris. According to a report from Rolling Stone, which spoke to four sources close to Trump, the former president plans to claim, once again, that the election was “rigged” or “stolen” from him if Harris is the victor, using the same false claims of fraud in absentee voting that he did four years ago.

How anyone can vote for this Orange asshole is beyond me.

Donnie the Grifter

Donnie the Grifter

As if his orangeness hasn’t taken enough money from his cult of followers now he’s gone and minted a coin. 🙈

Fuck that guy.


Nope, nope, nope

We need to make sure the Orange Man is defeated at the polls to save our democracy.

Get out and vote!

Up yours. Asshole.

NBC News

Former President Donald Trump, who makes frequent false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen through rampant fraud, warned Saturday that he would attempt to imprison anyone who engages in “unscrupulous behavior” during the 2024 race results.

Fuck you, you fucking asshole. This is the United States of fucking America.

Motherfucker needs to go away. I don’t want our country to become a dictatorship run by that dickhead.

Fuck you.

BOOM! He’ll never leave

And there it is. The Orange Asshole plans on being President for the remainder of his natural life. If that doesn’t make you vote for Kamala Harris, nothing will.

Get out the vote! Vote Harris for President!

Cognitive Decline

The Shovel

A 78-year-old man who believed he beat Barack Obama in a Presidential election and confused Nikki Hayley with Nancy Pelosi is surprisingly still running for office, despite clear signs of cognitive decline.